Unfortunately the evil pirate captain LeChuck™ also wanted her hand in marriage. It was wanting to be a pirate that led him to the love of his life, Elaine Marley™. He had nothing on him except a goofy name and a strong urge to become a pirate. Guybrush Ulysses Threepwood™ washed up on the shores of Melee Island™ many years ago. If this is the first time you have ever played a monkey island™ game I suggest that you read this section very carefully.

One nice touch to the graphics in this game is that when you are running you can see the background very clearly instead of things like mountains just suddenly appearing out of nowhere. Guybrush™ is always clear when you’re running unless you are on the world map feature, which is done with average graphics. Some of the videos have lots more detail put into them than others, such as the opening boat scene, the return to Melee Island™ and the secret about Charles L Charles™. Even the general character movement has had attention and now we don’t get that phasing through the floor effect we are so used to with other games of its time. Although there are not that many graphic glitches in the game, you may be able to see part of Guybrush’s™ body go invisible for a second or two.

The characters are very well animated in some of the video sequences for its time (). More you ask? Then look down…įinally we see the ultimate puzzle/adventure game go into 3D on the PS2. Guybrush Ulysses Threepwood™ is back! The now famous pirate, not so good wooer and one of the worst monkey translators (despite all his trips to Monkey Island™) has returned and this time he’s in “Scurvy-Inducing 3D”.